November 14, 2003

The First IndiBlog Awards 2003

The number of Indian Bloggers is increasing by leaps and bounds. Don't take our word for it, just notice the ever-growing listings at Indian Webloggers list or the Kamat Blog Portal. The sheer amount of posts that these talented bloggers churn out everyday on a gamut of topics can make you feel dizzy. The quality of writing often lets you marvel at the literary talent this country has produced. We Indians are known for our tactful gift of gab. We have proven our mettle in all walks of life and we are perhaps the largest blogging community in the world too.

So why the IndiBlog Awards, you ask. Well, aren't the above, reasons enough for a celebration? Agreed, these awards may well be just another awards but they are a celebration of the Indian Bloggers around the globe. And yes here we would only be praising and looking at the positive aspects about the Indian blogs, no pundit here to feed you bananas of crap wisdom. Suffice to say that the IndiBlog Awards has, what the Razzies don't, an eye for true appreciation.

Now, the IndiBlog Awards may the based on the concept of the Bloggies but together we can add the Indian ethos to it. The awards, unlike the Bloggies, would not be able to give you anything apart from the praise and recognition you deserve but let's hope that it also instils some healthy sense of competition among the IndiBlogging community. Who knows, may be some kind corporate soul may notice and start sponsoring this effort in future.

Watch out for further announcements on the awards, the methodology, the rules and when would they be announced. Meanwhile, your comments and suggestions may be posted here or mailed to us at indibloggies at myway dot com.

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